Holly Hetherington

Partner, Leadership Search & Consulting
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Holly Hetherington, BComm, MBA, FCMC, is the President of Leadership Source Inc. Holly has been helping boards and executive teams find leaders for almost 30 years.  A former Deloitte Partner and President of Executive Source Partners, Holly has worked with governments and companies to evaluate their leadership capabilities, structures, and competencies, and bring new talent to the table as a part of growth, succession, M&A, diversification or expansion strategies.

​Giving back to the community and the profession, Holly has served on numerous regional and national boards including Canadian Chamber of Commerce, ​Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, ​Canadian Association of Management Consultants, Saskatchewan Labour Market Commission, Business Mentorship Institute,​ Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association​, and many more…

​Holly was recognized in 2006 as one of Saskatchewan’s Women of Influence and in the same year was bestowed a Fellow CMC by her peers in the Management Consulting industry. In 2012, Holly was awarded the ABEX Business Leader of the Year.

​An entrepreneur by nature, Holly & her husband Garry and their children now own and operate eight different companies in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Shelley Lipon

Principal, Finance, IT, Executive & Healthcare
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Shelley, FCPA-FCA, CMC, ICD.D, has been in the executive search industry with the Managing Partner since 2005. As a former CEO and CFO herself, Shelley knows what it takes to be an effective executive. As an FCPA-FCA and a designated Corporate Director, Shelley is current and topical when it comes to conveying complex information and evaluating leadership capabilities.

Shelley is often called upon by boards, not only for their executive search needs, but also in an advisory capacity on issues related to their governance structure, systems and processes. Having reported to a board as a Chief Executive Officer, served as President of the Saskatchewan Association of Chartered Accountants, Chaired the Finance and Audit Committee for the Saskatchewan Research Council and the Hospitals of Regina Foundation Board. She has been a member of the Technical Safety authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) board for four years and was appointed as the Chair in September of 2023. She achieved her Corporate Directorship designation, which is further testament to her extensive governance experience and knowledge.

Brenda Rebman

Partner, Healthcare
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Brenda Rebman BAdmin, MBA, CHRP, CMC  is a ‘solutions focused’ business and human resources strategist with over 35 years of multi-faceted experience in operations, strategy development, talent management, leadership, change management and high-profile relationship management.

Brenda has held a number of executive roles throughout her career, including VP, People and Clinical Services and VP, Talent Strategies for large health organizations in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Brenda has also served on and chaired multiple boards such as the Canadian College of Health Leaders, Health Benefits Trust Association of Alberta, Saskatchewan Association of Health Services Executives, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters, Central Alberta Women’s Emergency Shelter, and the Leadership Centre of Central Alberta.

Brenda has proven expertise in executive search, career guidance and transition, change management, employee engagement, leadership and board development, organizational effectiveness, performance management and succession planning. She has coached boards, senior executives and business leaders through large scale change and transition.  She mentors new and emerging business leaders in their roles.

Lynda Schroeder

Regional Partner, Ontario
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Lynda is a seasoned consultant with specialist expertise and functional responsibilities in the areas of strategic planning, labour relations, health and safety, risk management, compensation and market analysis, quality improvement and executive search. Prior to joining the LSI Team, Lynda provided HR leadership for 20+ years in director-level HR roles within the public, federally regulated and not-for-profit sectors. She has honed her ability to untangle the complexities of human relations by fostering frank, straight forward discussion with her clients and candidates by elucidating difficult and sensitive information to unveil the true narrative and needs.

Lynda regularly presented to the graduating classes of Algonquin Colleges’ RN (University of Ottawa), RPN and PSW programs and served as a member of the Business Advisory Group. Through theses alliances, she spearheaded a program that fostered student integration with her workplace – a program that was adopted by other healthcare facilities across the county as best-practice.

Certified in healthcare quality improvement, Lynda has served as both Accreditation Coordinator and Improvement Facilitator for healthcare organizations. She is health and safety certified for Acute and Long-Term Care.

Chris Haluk

Manager, Client Care
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As Client Service Manager, Chris is a trusted member of the team at Leadership Source, bringing total discretion, priority and reliability to her work. Her primary focus is on managing relationships with our customers in a manner that reflects positively on our business and actively contributes to our reputation for exceptional service. In her role, Chris serves as the first point of contact between our consultants and their clients and candidates. She quarterbacks project schedules, logistics, communications, database management, and reporting.   Her background in administration along with 10 years executive search support ensures outstanding client and candidate care in each search assignment she coordinates.

Judy Anderson

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Judy Anderson with a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership has a demonstrated history as an administrator in the United States, Canada and Europe for over forty years. Until this year she has been the principal of Morley Community School for the Stoney Education Authority in Alberta.
Judy has also been a trainer of Restitution and Reality Therapy in ten countries and worked in over two dozen First Nations Communities and five Provinces. As the author of the book, Creating the Conditions, Leadership for Quality Schools, Judy has facilitated the change process across school districts in Canada and the United States. She is noted for her multimedia presentations and interactive workshops. Wherever Judy goes she is frequently invited back.

Judy has served on the Board of Directors for three organizations:

  • Served as the Founding Chair of the Board of Directors for the International Quality School Consortium
  • Served as the Negotiations Chair for MESPA (Minnesota Elementary School Principals Association) and NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals)
  • Served on the Board of Directors for the Richfield/Bloomington Credit Union

Judy has served as an Adjunct professor at two universities:

  • Hamline University
  • North Dakota State University

Don Kjosness

Advisory Partner, Science & Technology
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Don Kjosness, PhD brings 35 years of technology industry executive and governance experience including the development and recruitment of a number of senior engineering teams, senior executive teams, and boards of directors.
For much of his executive career, Don was with SED Systems, one of Canada’s premier space and defence communications technology firms.

Until 2012, Don served as the President, CEO and a Director of the CapitalRoad Foundation which operates Canada’s largest, early stage technology company investment forum program, including the Banff Venture Forum and the Canadian Financing Forum.

Don has served on technology industry boards such as:

  • Canadian Digital Media Network’s Advisory Board (since 2010)​
  • TELUS World of Science – Calgary (now TELUS Spark) 2007-2016 – led the construction of a $160 million new science centre in Calgary, opened 2011
  • TRLab’s NEWT (Network for Emerging Wireless Technologies) Advisory Board (2003-2009)

In 2011, Don was awarded the ASTECH award for Outstanding Contribution To The Alberta Science And Technology Community.

Our Partners in Leadership Assessment and Executive Development

Laurie Johnson

Energy & Executive Coaching
Coaching Out of the Box
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Laurie Johnson, BSA, MBA, CEC, PCC has over 30 years of diverse experience as a senior HR business leader. She has worked for large provincial, national and global organizations in the agricultural, energy, and financial industries including: Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (now Viterra), NOVA Corporation, TransCanada, Suncor Energy Inc., BP Canada Energy Company, and Conexus Credit Union. She has held several senior corporate roles including: executive vice president, human resources with Conexus Credit Union; vice-president, human resources with BP Canada Energy Company; director of change management, communications and training and director of human resources and communications with Suncor Energy Inc.

Laurie holds a master’s degree in business administration and a bachelor of science degree in agricultural economics. She also holds a graduate certificate in executive coaching from Royal Roads University where she was certified as a certified executive coach, and she is a professional certified coach through the International Coach Federation. She is a past president of the International Coaching Federation Saskatchewan chapter, a licensed trainer of Coaching Out of the Box® and has certifications for three psychometric tools — ASSESS, EQ-I 2.0 (emotional intelligence), and Birkman.

David Simpson

TAIS Performance Systems Inc.

David Simpson has been consulting for almost 30 years, the last quarter century of which have been in his own practice. He works with CEO’s throughout North America, building senior executive teams of the highest caliber. Mr. Simpson earned an honours degree in science and environmental engineering from the University of Guelph in 1977. Also, after six years of study, under the direction of Dr. R. Nideffer, an internationally recognized psychologist, he was licensed to work with TAIS, a clinical psychometric assessment tool, in 1990. Since then he has conducted more than 50,000 assessments in his career.  He has recently been appointed President & CEO for TAIS Performance Systems Inc. and holds the master distribution rights for the TAIS assessment world-wide.

John Harper

The John Harper Group
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John Harper is a People & Team Strategist. He is an expert in identifying an individual’s core behavioural talent to determine if they have what it takes to lead others, sell, execute, and drive results. He performs over 1,000 psychometric assessments per year in a broad section of industries. Whether it’s the recruitment of talent from outside the company, promoting from within, or developing executive talent to full potential, Harper knows making the correct choice is crucial to success.

As a highly respected professional and HR advisor, John Harper has developed a comprehensive, integrated strategy that has changed the complexion of his clients’ people and corporate performance.

Drew Bird

The EQ Development Group
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Drew Bird, MSc, MA is an established leadership and organization development practitioner with more than a decade of experience coaching leaders, developing programs, and creating solutions that generate results. He has experience working with leaders, coaches, consultants, and organizations of all sizes. His broad exposure to organizations in a variety of sectors has allowed him to witness first-hand the difference that effective leaders, and effective leadership practices, can have on an organization and the people within it.
He is a Premier Partner and an approved Certifying Trainer for the EQ-i and EQ360 instruments by Multi-Health Systems (MHS), as well as the Risk Type Compass assessment and the Pearman Personality Integrator. In addition, he holds certifications as an Achieve Global Master Trainer, is a qualified MBTI practitioner, and is certified in the Hogan HDS, HPI, and MVPI instruments.

Drew holds an MSc in Organizational Psycholoy from the University of London, England, and an MA in Leadership from Royal Roads University in Victoria, Canada. He is a member of the Canadian Psychological Society (CPA) and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP).